Thursday, March 12, 2015

Happy Troubling

What to do after the releasing of SPM results? Where should I go now? Which scholarship should I apply for? Which course should I take up? What take in time is just suitable for me? Which ideal institution should I enroll to? Which way should I continue with faith? Which is the way that God wants me to go through? Problems everywhere and everytime? Prob?

Normally, we make 2500 choices per day. Sometimes it is not very difficult to decide, but sometimes is. Choices at this stage is just too important to me and I have to be very cautious when making such decisions. What if I chose wrongly? I'm going to bear the consequences if the decisions are inappropriate. I don't even dare to think about the circumstances.

Ok... firstly, unsurprisingly I thank God as He had love me and guided me throughout my life and my SPM. By His mercy and grace, He granted me a results with flying colours. Excellent results.... how excellent is it? No one can actually give a precise measurement. However, to me, my result is pretty good and I would like to glorify His name with my blessed results.

So for now, troubles come. As stated above. I can be said as miserable. I don't have any single idea to face my next part of my life. It is so adventurous.Few nights after receiving my SPM results, my brain not really function satisfying. Scholarship applications bombarded the whole brain and the blood vessels were full of the thoughts pf my brain. Why don't just these financial aids come automatically to me? But I know, we need to do something to achieve and obtain what we dreamed for. I, too, sure that God will lead me to the way He wanted me to go. I know He is giving me a training on brain-storming that surely benefits me a lot in my future life. Never give up! I am His kid. Do a loving Father will ignore His beloved kid? Absolutely no!

During this troubling period, I know that God wanna me to learn something more on my spiritual living. He wanna teaches me to share my burden with Lord Jesus. He give me strength, making me spiritual strong. The prayer in the prayer room of STM makes me experience Lord greatly. When I seek into His Almighty P'wer, He give me inner peace where no one will do. He touches my heart where no one else will do. He is listening to my troubles. He cares about my thoughts. He loves you and me, now and forever. Especially when I was fasting, He provided me spiritual food and my hunger left me as long as I pray for His guidance and love and accompaniment. God loves His kid.

Troubles overwhelm us every moment of our life. So what for we afraid as God is with us? Just remember kid, God's love never fails. He knows who you are. He knows what you longs for. Hand it to God. You're the pencil, and He's the one who writes. He always have the best path for His beloved kid. With His love and strength for each new day, he will make a way. Hallelujah Amen! Praise the Lord!

Blogging Frenzy

Friends suddenly decided to post and to blog. I am here too. Just Just Just..... frenzy over...-.- just because of the fault of internet service provider. Haihhhhh :/

What the /.\

Wrote a long post and suddenly the server says that it unable to resolve its DNS code.... just.... emo....