Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Against HomoMarriage

 Waking up on 27th June, I scrolled the Facebook Newsfeed, and just feeling "what the" on those hashtags #equalities #lovejustwins #pride.... whatever.... but just in a split second I really got mad and felt so disappointed at those decisions... I posted a status on FB about my first feelings.

Then, I posted this in Snapchat and Instagram as well as FB and Twitter. I just wanna to let the world knows that HMarraige is a sign of dying morality. It's against how the nature should be. I feel so pissed up but the other side of the world feel so proud that they made a "history". It's not colourful at all for that ocasion, it supposed to be black and white. Funeral of Moral.

Let's see how Bible teaches us!

Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Obviously, we're taught by God that H Actions are acts of sins. But why still a country which once trusted God so much becoming that kind of country which against His teaching through the Bible.

利未记 20:13
The Facebook profile pictures are now so much colourful edited through the apps by FB system. Hey do you all know the meaning of those colours? Don't just change it because it looks so beautiful. Maybe you didn't mean that but your innocence will causing some misunderstanding to others.

But but but.....

Take a look.

Humans are sinners. Others like decisions, articles, actions, celebrations etc. are sins.
What God teaches us...
Love the sinners as Jesus always does. But never ever tolerate with sins.

So we as Christians should (it is a Must either) against HMarriage but accept those involved because they didn't what are they doing. Use your life testimonies to change them, bring them to God, stay away from satan and sins.

Motto as a Christian's life

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