Thursday, June 11, 2015

Experiencing another short & exciting life chapter...

When the day of 25th May came, I was just thinking about that new chapter of life for my further studies. PMC (Penang Matriculation College) also known as KMPP (Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang) is where I started my pre-u study life with Malaysian Matriculation. The first week is so tiring as it was the orientation week. It's not really interesting to me but some facilitators were awesome in communicating with us. Why tiring? LOL Everyday I need to wake up at around 4am since we were asked to gather at DK1 (so means Lecture Hall 1) at 5.30am sharp and there are so many people waking up for the toilets. I hate wasting time standing outside the toilets for my turn.... instead I wake up earlier so that there will be more empty washrooms for be to choose the most acceptable one. Since I woke that early, I decided to do my spiritual reading in the morning. I was also impressed that we, students, made up of multi races. We have Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Iban, Siamese, semi-Japanese, Eurasian Portuguese, Punjabi Singh, Orang Asli....... wow wow wow
You can't see me... consists of non-muslims

Back to the moment of registration, I was being photographed for student card purpose. Damn! Such a big pimple just in the middle of my chin. No choice.. that's fate.. LOL And also no idea why my face look so........ *speechless* After taking my room key, my parents and I walked into my hostel room. Four students formed a room and my roommates are all the majority. Two from Kelantan and one from Perak... Luckily they didn't smoke... Thanks to mum and dad, they helped a lot in cleaning up the room and my corner which were so dusty. Wiping, sweeping, washing, clearing...... whuffff....

Part of  H1P6
Throughout the whole orientation week, we done a lot of "Program Mentor Mentee", some interesting but some not. I was chosen as Ketua Praktikum(class monitor) of H1P6. I am ready to take up the responsibilities. My classamates are all great and friendly, not causing serious discipline problems. All my lectures and tutors (got quite a number of chinese teachers xD) are experienced too except for one :X really sorry about that.. I'm consider lucky too as my hostel (Kompel C1) is the nearest building to the main entrance, koperasi, pentad, dewan, dk, library, kafe, dataran, and other facilities but not for sports'. Hence I no need a really long walk to my destination. But still I'll wake up early, that's my principle. :D

Part of H1P5 & H1P6 & others joining in
CF 1st week
The most exciting part is Christian Fellowship do exist in PMC. We're about 20 students of us gather together where we have chinese, indians, bumi, semi-japanese, eurasian portuguese, sabahan... that's the most unique CF I've ever joined. Although to whole activity carried out is simple, but yet everyone of us felt so happy and excited in CF, having some time with God and bro&sis-in-Christ.

CF 2nd week and last for me
Just one week in matriculation, I received scholarship offered by Petronas. Thank God!! Me and my family are so glad and pleased with the good news. I no longer going to study in Matriculation but straight studying 5 years at UTP and bond for another 5 years. Really... it's a dream comes true. So, just two weeks in PMC and I already quiting from that programme. Thanks all my friends and lecturers that helped me throughout the life in PMC. Especially few types of gangs, CLB gangs, Lakeview gangs, CF gangs... I'll miss you all so much for making my experience in KMPP wonderful! Guys... good luck in studies and happy troubling with your bookout and outing.. heheeee

And now all is about to rest well and fight with full energy and will to make every sen of the sponsorship worth to be spent on me! Love God always... and most important.. GOD IS ABLE!

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