Friday, July 3, 2015

A First Half of 2015 Full Of Invaluable Knowledge and Experiences

Times flies.
Unaware of.

Half of 2015 passed.
6 months passed.
26 weeks passed.
181 days passed.
4344 hours passed.
260640 minutes passed.
15638400 seconds passed.

WAIT! It's 15638401 seconds passed and that's one of my new knowledge! We have one extra second on 30th of June before entering the second half of 2015.

Receiving my certificate from the president of CAC

Candid shot during the receiving of results

And at the starting of the year, I went to the 17th Isaiah Training School for my theological experience. That was great and it is a once-a-lifetime chance. I'm glad that I'd made myself there and passed through the whole 89 days programme. It gained me a lot of surprising experience like true friendships, power of prayer, fasting experience, gospel challenge, spiritual life experience and many more. Thumbs up for that! Yay!

Next, it's the event of receiving my SPM results! It was fascinating and exciting to me as I obtained and unexpected flying-colours results. I was on cloud nine and I really thank God for His guidance throughout my examination and my study life since kindergarten till now and still going on. That's a dream come true.

Following up, finally I started my driving lessons and I definitely fight for it. I used only 1 month and 1 week to pass my test counting from the undang class. P... P... P... I make it heheeee.....

Interview sessions with ex-classmates 5SA1

I applied for few scholarships but neither one bringing me good news. However, I got called up for interview by Petronas and I was so happy as it was a golden chance to further my study. And for that, I went to Taylor University for the first time. xD
Petronas Youngstars' Day (PYD2015)

Matriculation Life

25th of May, I went to Penang Matriculation College offered by government while still waiting for good news from Petronas Sponsorship. It was a good experience to have such multi races and religions environment. Having a lot of friends, I still survived well in KMPP. The favourite day in KMPP is every Friday as Christian Fellowship is having gathering time!

But I quit the programme.
Thank God once again. I received scholarships offer from Petronas Education Sponsorship!

Petronas Education Sponsorship Programme 2015

I am so lucky to be the child of God. He guides me and blesses me abundantly. I was invited to the Award Receiving Ceremony. Also, it was my first time to pay a visit to International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak where the ceremony was held. It was so exciting as we're going to shake our hand with YBKJ and it was my first time shaking hands with such a minister in our country. I could say that Petronas is very generous. Our souvenirs included a powerbank, an big umbrella, a luggage tag, a Swiss pen, a goodie bag, bookmarks with our photos on them and a name tag, of course. xP


The prize with the certificate

Moreover, the Penang government gave a consolation prize to those who scored well in SPM and I'm in the list. For that, we'll have the chance to receive it from the Cheif Minister of Penang YBLGE. However that time I was still in KMPP and can't attend to the ceremony held at Wisma Penyayang. Instead, I got the chance to go up to the 27th level of the KOMTAR building for the 1st time in order to claim that prize. Wow... that's great experience too!

Uncountable experiences...
Filling up..
Colouring up...
The book of my life...
Thank God for all...
For all...

The Potter's Hand -- Hillsongs

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Against HomoMarriage

 Waking up on 27th June, I scrolled the Facebook Newsfeed, and just feeling "what the" on those hashtags #equalities #lovejustwins #pride.... whatever.... but just in a split second I really got mad and felt so disappointed at those decisions... I posted a status on FB about my first feelings.

Then, I posted this in Snapchat and Instagram as well as FB and Twitter. I just wanna to let the world knows that HMarraige is a sign of dying morality. It's against how the nature should be. I feel so pissed up but the other side of the world feel so proud that they made a "history". It's not colourful at all for that ocasion, it supposed to be black and white. Funeral of Moral.

Let's see how Bible teaches us!

Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Obviously, we're taught by God that H Actions are acts of sins. But why still a country which once trusted God so much becoming that kind of country which against His teaching through the Bible.

利未记 20:13
The Facebook profile pictures are now so much colourful edited through the apps by FB system. Hey do you all know the meaning of those colours? Don't just change it because it looks so beautiful. Maybe you didn't mean that but your innocence will causing some misunderstanding to others.

But but but.....

Take a look.

Humans are sinners. Others like decisions, articles, actions, celebrations etc. are sins.
What God teaches us...
Love the sinners as Jesus always does. But never ever tolerate with sins.

So we as Christians should (it is a Must either) against HMarriage but accept those involved because they didn't what are they doing. Use your life testimonies to change them, bring them to God, stay away from satan and sins.

Motto as a Christian's life

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Experiencing another short & exciting life chapter...

When the day of 25th May came, I was just thinking about that new chapter of life for my further studies. PMC (Penang Matriculation College) also known as KMPP (Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang) is where I started my pre-u study life with Malaysian Matriculation. The first week is so tiring as it was the orientation week. It's not really interesting to me but some facilitators were awesome in communicating with us. Why tiring? LOL Everyday I need to wake up at around 4am since we were asked to gather at DK1 (so means Lecture Hall 1) at 5.30am sharp and there are so many people waking up for the toilets. I hate wasting time standing outside the toilets for my turn.... instead I wake up earlier so that there will be more empty washrooms for be to choose the most acceptable one. Since I woke that early, I decided to do my spiritual reading in the morning. I was also impressed that we, students, made up of multi races. We have Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Iban, Siamese, semi-Japanese, Eurasian Portuguese, Punjabi Singh, Orang Asli....... wow wow wow
You can't see me... consists of non-muslims

Back to the moment of registration, I was being photographed for student card purpose. Damn! Such a big pimple just in the middle of my chin. No choice.. that's fate.. LOL And also no idea why my face look so........ *speechless* After taking my room key, my parents and I walked into my hostel room. Four students formed a room and my roommates are all the majority. Two from Kelantan and one from Perak... Luckily they didn't smoke... Thanks to mum and dad, they helped a lot in cleaning up the room and my corner which were so dusty. Wiping, sweeping, washing, clearing...... whuffff....

Part of  H1P6
Throughout the whole orientation week, we done a lot of "Program Mentor Mentee", some interesting but some not. I was chosen as Ketua Praktikum(class monitor) of H1P6. I am ready to take up the responsibilities. My classamates are all great and friendly, not causing serious discipline problems. All my lectures and tutors (got quite a number of chinese teachers xD) are experienced too except for one :X really sorry about that.. I'm consider lucky too as my hostel (Kompel C1) is the nearest building to the main entrance, koperasi, pentad, dewan, dk, library, kafe, dataran, and other facilities but not for sports'. Hence I no need a really long walk to my destination. But still I'll wake up early, that's my principle. :D

Part of H1P5 & H1P6 & others joining in
CF 1st week
The most exciting part is Christian Fellowship do exist in PMC. We're about 20 students of us gather together where we have chinese, indians, bumi, semi-japanese, eurasian portuguese, sabahan... that's the most unique CF I've ever joined. Although to whole activity carried out is simple, but yet everyone of us felt so happy and excited in CF, having some time with God and bro&sis-in-Christ.

CF 2nd week and last for me
Just one week in matriculation, I received scholarship offered by Petronas. Thank God!! Me and my family are so glad and pleased with the good news. I no longer going to study in Matriculation but straight studying 5 years at UTP and bond for another 5 years. Really... it's a dream comes true. So, just two weeks in PMC and I already quiting from that programme. Thanks all my friends and lecturers that helped me throughout the life in PMC. Especially few types of gangs, CLB gangs, Lakeview gangs, CF gangs... I'll miss you all so much for making my experience in KMPP wonderful! Guys... good luck in studies and happy troubling with your bookout and outing.. heheeee

And now all is about to rest well and fight with full energy and will to make every sen of the sponsorship worth to be spent on me! Love God always... and most important.. GOD IS ABLE!

Thursday, April 30, 2015


已经很久很久,没有写blog了;也,很久很久想要写blog了。但是迟迟都没有idea和topic让我想post出来.... 呵呵,能怎样huh?

可是不写的话,恐怕开始继续读书的时候,又没有时间去写。我相信到时候我会忽然想写写东西上来... 呵呵 如果时间不够,又能怎样huh?

"KEKAL" 出现了,"MISSED" 发生了,"KMPP" 却得到了... 一切都是无法完全被你控制的。所以做好自己可以控制的,把不能控制的交托给祂吧!
Amen!! =)

So, just do your best and pray for them... 

Thursday, April 9, 2015


在此, 我想与大家分享我以赛亚时, 读到其中一篇我很喜欢的文摘:













"Wait for God's answer as you belongs to Him."

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Happy Troubling

What to do after the releasing of SPM results? Where should I go now? Which scholarship should I apply for? Which course should I take up? What take in time is just suitable for me? Which ideal institution should I enroll to? Which way should I continue with faith? Which is the way that God wants me to go through? Problems everywhere and everytime? Prob?

Normally, we make 2500 choices per day. Sometimes it is not very difficult to decide, but sometimes is. Choices at this stage is just too important to me and I have to be very cautious when making such decisions. What if I chose wrongly? I'm going to bear the consequences if the decisions are inappropriate. I don't even dare to think about the circumstances.

Ok... firstly, unsurprisingly I thank God as He had love me and guided me throughout my life and my SPM. By His mercy and grace, He granted me a results with flying colours. Excellent results.... how excellent is it? No one can actually give a precise measurement. However, to me, my result is pretty good and I would like to glorify His name with my blessed results.

So for now, troubles come. As stated above. I can be said as miserable. I don't have any single idea to face my next part of my life. It is so adventurous.Few nights after receiving my SPM results, my brain not really function satisfying. Scholarship applications bombarded the whole brain and the blood vessels were full of the thoughts pf my brain. Why don't just these financial aids come automatically to me? But I know, we need to do something to achieve and obtain what we dreamed for. I, too, sure that God will lead me to the way He wanted me to go. I know He is giving me a training on brain-storming that surely benefits me a lot in my future life. Never give up! I am His kid. Do a loving Father will ignore His beloved kid? Absolutely no!

During this troubling period, I know that God wanna me to learn something more on my spiritual living. He wanna teaches me to share my burden with Lord Jesus. He give me strength, making me spiritual strong. The prayer in the prayer room of STM makes me experience Lord greatly. When I seek into His Almighty P'wer, He give me inner peace where no one will do. He touches my heart where no one else will do. He is listening to my troubles. He cares about my thoughts. He loves you and me, now and forever. Especially when I was fasting, He provided me spiritual food and my hunger left me as long as I pray for His guidance and love and accompaniment. God loves His kid.

Troubles overwhelm us every moment of our life. So what for we afraid as God is with us? Just remember kid, God's love never fails. He knows who you are. He knows what you longs for. Hand it to God. You're the pencil, and He's the one who writes. He always have the best path for His beloved kid. With His love and strength for each new day, he will make a way. Hallelujah Amen! Praise the Lord!

Blogging Frenzy

Friends suddenly decided to post and to blog. I am here too. Just Just Just..... frenzy over...-.- just because of the fault of internet service provider. Haihhhhh :/